Junior CKM team member, Aleksandar  attended a 4 week job shadowing mobility in the Dutch Space Campus in Leiden, Netherlands in May 2022, under the Capacity Development project from the Erasmus+ program with contract number 2020-1-MK01-KA104-077733 - Horizon Ready

Maaike Smelter from Dutch Space Campus and Berry Sanders from start up companu HDES were Aleksandar's mentors. Aleksandar had an opportunity to develop his capacities in the operations of  high-tech clusters and how these clusters work with start up companies and other stakeholders in their normal setting.

During the job shadowing opportunity, Aleksandar become familiar with:
• how the high-tech start-ups operate in a business conductive environment;
• how international networking works and meet relevant people from the sector
• establishing a connection with regional businesses and knowledge clusters
• how the start-ups are bridging the gap between researchers and businesses
• what is a sucessfull ecosystem of cross-sectoral collaboration with a focus on high tech and space technologies.

"One thing that I enjoyed while working At the Netherlands Space campus was the relation that all of the employees had between each other. Most employees had built up friendships within each of the startups as well as with people from the other startups. This was often seen as most employees would sit down and lunch together. I thought this was a very good decision as everyone is in the loop and everyone is more motivated to do the work alongside each other, while being more proficient at it. Another activity I had enjoyed was spectating the work they were doing in their labs with the equipment that HDES possessed."

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