InterimTransnational Conference of the Project "InnoPlatform" was organised in Skopje, on October, 15-th 2018.
InterimTransnational Conference of the Project "InnoPlatform" was organised in Skopje, on October, 15-th 2018.
On 1-st October (Monday) in the premises of the EU Info Centre in Skopje, the 2nd event - Infoday “Train the Trainer" focused on increasing the innovation capacity of the companies was held.
On 24-th September (Monday) in the premises of the EU Info Centre in Skopje, the 1st event - Infoday “Train the Trainer" focused on increasing the innovation capacity of the companies was held.
On 29-30 March 2018, the third transnational meeting of the InterregBalkan-Mediterranean InnoPlatform project partners took place at the premises of the UETCentre of the European University in Tirana, Albania.
The Center for Knowledge Management, as a partner of the Balkan-Med project: “Education for ideas, inventions and innovations for entrepreneurship– i3” participated at the second meeting of the partnership at CIMM premises in Limassol, Cyprus, on 1st March 2018.