
We are not stopping!  Today we had the third session of the WECAN Training Program.

We are continuing with the second session of the WECAN Training Program.

The second WECoach session was held April 13th.


We started! The first session of the WECAN training program began on 7 April and it included various activities such as workshops, presentations, group discussions, creative thinking etc.

The time is ticking! We are almost near the day of the competition.

POPRI international is a competition for the best entrepreneurial idea among young people from 9 countries in the Adriatic-Ionian macro region. Until now, 3 494 participants have taken part in it. It is a great chance for young people to develop and grow their creativity and entrepreneurship, but also grow their network.

“Clarify Everything” is a campaign which is implemented within the project “Connect the dots: better policies through civic participation” („Поврзи ги точките: подобрени политики преку граѓанско учество“), financed by the British embassy in Skopje. The campaign will focus on 2 specific problems: water resource management and inspections against overexploitation of natural resources (minerals, forests, soil and water). The aim of the campaign is to raise public awareness about these problems, and to increase the impact or to change the public policies.

The Center for Knowledge Management is one of the 9 technology parks, accelerators and incubators that would take part in the upcoming EUSAIR POPRI youth event.