
CKM is organizing a six-day event, training in m-commerce in the second half of May, 2016. The training is organised as part of CKM activities under the Erasmus plus project - M-commerce.  The project M-commerce is focused on developing training for employees of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The aim of the project is to encourage the development and expansion of m-commerce activities in these companies.


December 3rd , 2015, Alcala, Spain

Erasmus plus project M-commerce, implemented by Consortia of 7 project partners and led by the University FHJ from Austria, had its third project meeting at the University of Alcala (UA), Spain. Located in Alcala, a small place nearby Madrid, UA is the oldest University in Europe. Alcala is also known as the birthplace of the famous Spanish writer Servantes. 

On November the 12th, Knowledge Center in its premises organized working breakfast for the successful finalization of the project for creation of in Macedonia

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 November 2015

Knowledge Center at the International Summer School

Knowledge Center took part at the International Summer School for Young Economists, held in Ohrid, Macedonia, from 9th to 15th August, 2015.

The summer school was in organization of The Faculty of Economics – Skopje, at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, and AIESEC Skopje, hosted at the Congress Center in Orhid. 

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 September 2015

Project m-commerce

June 9th, 2015, Johannburg, Sweden

Project M-commerce - 2nd project meeting - Johannburg, Sweden


Andrijana Bogdanovska from the Center for Knowledge Management (CKM) participated at the 2nd project meeting held at the Technological park of Johannburg Sweden on June 8th and 9th, 2015. At the meeting the project partners wrapped up the last open issues regarding the m-commerce study and agreed on the structure of the six modules in e-commerce and m-commerce to be developed in the next six months.

CKM is a Macedonian project partner in m-commerce and Erasmus plus project funded by the Austrian NA.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 June 2015 


December 8-9th, 2014, Brussels, Belgium

PPP4Broadband project results were presented on the closing Conference on 9the December 2014 in Brussels. 


In the frames of South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, PPP4Broadband project partnership has been working for two years for developing new tools for South-East Europe territories with no or very weak broadband internet coverage. It is proven that broadband gap has a negative impact on economic growth and social cohesion.


The work has come to its end and results were presented during the PPP4Broadband Day on 9the December 2014 in Brussels, in the heart of Europe.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 December 2014

m-Commerce KickOff Meeting

October 27th, 2014


The Knowledge Center Team conducted a series of 4 day training of trainers in entrepreneurship, innovation and employment readiness for Nigerian higher education community organised by New Creation Technology in Dubai, UAE.


Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 December 2014 

m-Commerce Project
Wednesday, 01 October, 2014
The Knowledge Center Team delivered a Feasibility study to the Mayor of Makedonska Kamenica
Last Updated on Wednesday, 01 October, 2014
16-18 September, 2014

Center for Knowledge Management organised a study visit for the project partners in Skopje

Last Updated on Friday, 19 September 2014

Thursday, March 11th, 2014

The Knowledge Center Team participated at the Second GoClick and Google Conference held in Skopje on March 11th. The conference covered topics of Internet marketing, Social Media, and Google Advertising and Analytics.

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 March 2014
